Cherry Juice


CHERRY JUICE on 100% looduslik hapukirsi mahla kontsentraat, millel on väga võimas antioksüdantiivne ja põletikuvastane toime. Ideaalne lihaste taastumise soodustamiseks olulisel ja intensiivsel võistlusperioodil, juhul kui võistluste vahel on vähe taastumisaega.

  • 100% kontsentraat , võrreldav ~300ml hapukirsi mahlaga.
  • Ei sisalda lisaaineid ja seega ka lisatud suhkruid, säilitusaineid, maitseaineid ega värvaineid.
  • Looduslikult rikas antioksüdantide , nagu flavonoidide ja antotsüaniinide poolest.
  • Kompaktne suurus ja seega ideaalne liikvel olles.
  • Hõrgu kirsimaitse saamiseks sega vee, smuuti või jogurtiga.
Kategooria: Silt:


High-power maximal exercises such as jumping and sprinting, but also sustained running with fatigued muscles such as during the late stages of a marathon, cause muscle damage. This damage often results in muscle soreness for several days following the event. Repair of exercise-induced muscle damage involves inflammation and oxidative stress, but these processes in fact also play an important role in long-term training adaptation. Hence excessive use of anti-inflammatory agents or anti-oxidants may impair training adaptation.

However, during periods of intensive competition involving multiple races/matches with short rest episodes in between, speedy recovery obviously prevails over long-term training adaptation. Under these circumstances the intake of anti-inflammatory agents and/or anti-oxidants may promote short-term maintenance of peak performance level, indeed.

Tart cherries naturally contain high concentrations of flavonoids, mostly anthocyanins, which exhibit potent anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant actions. Therefore, supplementation with tart cherry juice may suppress the degree of muscular inflammation and oxidative stress post, as well as reduce muscular pain following strenuous exercise. Moreover, supplementation with tart cherry juice has been documented to facilitate recovery of peak performance level during exercise events involving repeated bouts of jumping and sprinting with short recovery intervals in between. These beneficial effects on recovery and performance appear at flavonoid doses delivered by no more than ~300 ml of pure tart cherry juice twice daily.

6d Cherry Juice is a 100% pure and natural concentrate of tart cherry juice with neither sugars, nor flavouring or colouring agents added. Each pouch (40ml) delivers the nutrients and bioactive substances equivalent to ~300 mL of tart cherry juice. Therefore, this supplement ideally is used to prepare for peak performances in competitions involving serial races/matches with short recovery intervals in between, and where in speedy recovery and maintenance of maximal power are pivotal to performance.

Soovitatav kasutamine

Dissolve 1 sachet in 250-500ml of water or add to a (recovery) shake, smoothie or natural yoghurt.

Take 2×1 sachet per day (after exercise / morning / evening) for 4-7 days before an important competition, and / or during an important period of intensive competition with limited recovery time in between events.


Toitumisalane teave

/100ml /40ml
Energy 1099 kJoule 440 kJoule
262 Kcal 105 Kcal
Fats 0,1 g 0,1 g
of which saturated 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 64 g 25 g
of which sugars 53 g 21 g
Fibers 1,7 g 0,7 g
Proteins 1,7 g 0,7 g
Salt 0 g 0 g


Hapukirsimahla kontsentraat (Prunus cerasus L).





